Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Music!!

So I have some songs that been on constant rotation through my IPizzle. Just thought I'd share some music that you may or may not have heard. I'm not your stereotypical black dude. Hip-hop is becoming boring and stagnant. I still love the old stuff but hopefully something good will come along. Anyways here it goes. Something along the lines of the celebrity playlists on ITunes...

Dave Barnes - Grace's Amazing Hands

I don't know why but I can't stop listening to this song. I love the guitar riffs and he seems passionate about what he sings. John Mayer has said he's a fan of Dave Barnes. I can see why.

Marc Broussard - Home
Marc Broussard - The Beauty of Who You Are

If you needed a song that sounded like Louisana, Home would be it. His voice is alot different than what you hear on the radio today. My kids love this song.

TBOWYA is a song about a girl of course. This song reminds of the old days when people actually sounded like they meant every word they sang. There's alot of feeling and passion with every word he says.

John Mayer - Clarity

This is probably my favorite John Mayer song. I can't help but bob my head to this song whenever I hear it. I love the horn break at 3:17 mark. My favorite part of the song.

Jack Johnson - Wasting Time

This is just a really laid back, chill kinda song. I could see myself swinging in a hammock with this playing in the background sipping on some lemonade.

Lupe Fiasco - Kick, Push

I don't skateboard but if I did this would be my theme song. I love the flow and the ka ku ka ku ka ku part is sweet.

Black Eyed Peas ft. Justin Timberlake - My Style

Just a fun song. If I'm cleaning the house I have to have this song on!

OutKast - Slump

Song from the Aquemini album. Big Boi and Dre's flow remind me of their first album. The beat is awesome.

Amos Lee- Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight
Amos Lee - Seen It All Before

Two songs from Amos' first album (Amos Lee). Guitar driven and a slow tempo. If I could sing, I would play these at a gig. Starting at the 3:10 mark of SIAB is my favorite part. When he sings "I ain't gonna be yo fool, baby", makes you believe him.

Elliot Yamin - Wait For You

My favorite Idol contestant ever. His hair has changed and so have his teeth, but his voice is still as rich and soulful as ever.

Keith Urban - Tonight I Wanna Cry

I'm not a huge country fan but I love Keith Urban. I don't know if that's cool or not but oh well. My favorite KU song.

I'm sure I could add plenty of more songs but give these a shot. I'll add them to my myspace page (link to the right) so you can hear them. Let me know what you think.

Hallelujah Hollaback!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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